Double Standard Yexuan

Xia Houshang saw the rocks in her hand and found this laughable, "You're going to make a slingshot for this? By the time you shoot down one of them, the rest would have flown away!"

"You talk too much!" Qiao Qing lifted her chin a little, "Release the pigeons."

"You are really going to battle me like this?!" Xia Houshang was a little shocked. 

She watched as Qiao Qing played with the rocks with one hand and questioned, "You're going to use one hand? You know simply hitting a pigeon doesn't prove anything. I shot down 11 of them!"

At the scene, Yin Lei and Xia Shixiong also stared at Qiao Qing curiously, uncertain of her intentions.

Qiao Qing continued to ignore and narrowed her eyes at the servant, "Are you releasing them or not?"

The servant felt his legs grow weak. Though that girl stood far away from him, the demeanor she gave off terrified him.

Without thinking too much, he followed her command and went to open up the cage.