He didn’t like his Future Father-in-Law very much

Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen looked over to Xiaohu and instantly understood what was going on. They expressed sympathy towards Mu Jinghang. 

So his wife's family didn't like him.

Jun Yexuan asked the granny, "Granny, the illness you were referring to was regarding Qingqing's menstrual cramps?"

He suddenly remembered the time when he took Qiao Qing to the school nurse. The nurse there asked him if Qiao Qing experienced some sort of trauma.

"So you are not that stupid." The grandma said, "Looking at how she was before, I could tell you guys take care of her normally. Despite so, her stomach always hurts every month, right?"

"That tells me it isn't poor nutrition or lifestyle that's causing her pain. It's a problem that's been bothering her since childhood. If you don't treat it and get rid of the illness, not only will she always experience menstrual cramps, she may have trouble birthing children."