
Jun Yexuan and Qiao Qing exchanged glances and then laughed, "Every day you are getting smarter and smarter."

Mu Jinghang, "..."

His third brother was incapable of complimenting him. When he says things like that, it normally means the opposite. 

Qiao Qing took over the silver mulberry, mortar and pestle, and the other equipment she needed. She washed the silver mulberry, dried it, then crushed it. After that, she lit up a candle. 

Once that was all done, she took out her silver needles and stabbed them at a few different spots on Jun Yexuan's chest. 

Beneath the skin, a red long worm started to show.

Different from last time, the venomous parasite was not moving around aggressively. Instead, it laid there numbly, as if someone's got it in a chokehold. 

Qiao Qing was ecstatic at this sight and was much more thankful towards the granny and Sang Wu. 

Mu Jinghang wow'ed, "The chicken was really effective."