The Only Bargaining Chip You have is Him.

"I don't know. Today, I found him dead in the study. I'm investigating it. However, you should know that the only person who hates my family is Qiao Qing. She's also the only person who has the motive and the ability to do this! Last night, she tried to kill me! Luckily, I am very good at martial arts and escaped. I bet you this is her revenge."

Before Yin Lei could speak, Xu Mian had interrupted, "Ms. Xia, until you have evidence to show that it was Ms. Qiao who murdered your father, I suggest that you don't draw conclusions. As for how Ms. Qiao wanted to kill you last night…" He paused, "You tried to force yourself on her boyfriend. Her desire to kill you is understandable."

"How dare you!" Xia Houshang's expression was unpleasant. He turned to Yin Lei, "Emperor Yin, we are in the same boat here. Your people dare to insult me and take that b!tch's side! Aren't you going to say something?!"