Does he ever use his Brain and Wonder why I’d wait this long if I wanted the Seat on the Throne?

"You are misunderstanding something." Yin Lei said, "Yexuan is a child with burdens. Perhaps he doesn't care about his other siblings, but Xiaoqi is different."

"To him, he owes this brother. He owes so much he cannot repay the debt in this lifetime. He's willing to die for this brother without hesitation. How is it possible that he would just stand there and watch him die?"

As Yin Lei spoke, Xu Mian's heart dropped further and further, "Emperor Yin, are you sure you want to go this far? If you do that, there won't ever be a chance for you to amend your relationship with the young master!"

Yin Lei said, "I'm doing this for homeland security. He loses nothing by being with Houshang. I've made up my mind. Don't challenge me anymore and do what you're told."

Xu Mian sighed and accepted helplessly, "Yes, sir."


At the same time, inside a seven-star hotel. 

Quan Zexi was sleeping soundly when he heard knocking at the door.