Couple's Costume

The reason why Qiao Qing chose to meet in the middle of the night was to hide it from Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen. So naturally, she didn't tell them about her midnight plans.

Now that Jun Yexuan's illness was cured, Qi Yusen had restored the old rules and Qiao Qing was now sleeping in her own room again. This was convenient.

At night.

To try and capture the prey, Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen left early to get to their destination.

Qiao Qing only got up when it was close to the meeting time.

After the alarm went off, she got out of bed and washed up.

During this time, Lang Yin got in through the window and placed the pre-prepared set of clothes on the table.

Qiao Qing washed up and changed.

After around 10 minutes, the young woman in her sleeping gown turned into a young man.

The shoes were specially made black leather shoes. The tailored black pants complemented her straight and long legs.