Did he Remarry?!

She dashed to her washroom and cleaned her face. After making sure she didn't look too out of it, she rushed out of her room.

Towards Chen Ming, she asked, "Where is he? Also, where's my baby?"

Chen Ming smiled, "They are both in the Country of Summer. Due to a little hiccup, they cannot come back yet. The young miss has asked me to bring you over there."

"What hiccup?!" He Wanqing grabbed Chen Ming's arm and asked nervously, "Did he remarry?!"

Chen Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "That's not it. The master has lost his memories and does not remember much about you or Ms. Qiao. Ms. Qiao had requested that I bring you there to help him remember."

He Wanqing once again froze. The knot she had in her heart finally loosened.

After some time, she finally managed to croak out, "No wonder he didn't come to find my daughter and me. So, he had forgotten us. How come he lost his memories? Is he doing okay?"