He trash-talked himself

The next second, the firefox marched in while swaying its furry tail.

Mu Jinghang's eyes widened, "This thing isn't normal! How did it find us here!"

The firefox rolled its eyes and marched up to Qiao Qing and dropped the backpack.

"Ack, ack, ack!"

You forgot about me, didn't you?

Qiao Qing patted its back and answered a little guiltily, "That's not true."

Zhao Sizhan was tongue-tied as he stared at the fox, "This is… this is a pet of yours, Ms. Qiao?"

Qiao Qing nodded. She took the backpack and took out her small laptop.

Quan Yeqing commented, "This fox has a very smart-looking face. But why is it so fat? If Kaiyi didn't tell me that it's a fox, I wouldn't have known."

The firefox, "…"

Mu Jinghang laughed out loud, "It's been very greedy with food. It's always easy to gain weight and hard to lose."