Quan Zexi, your Daughter is being Accused! What are you doing Standing Around doing Nothing?!

The word "again" made Quan Zexi's heart pinch a little. He took over the phone and scanned the articles. At once, he cursed, "F*** that b********! That ***** is crying wolf and literally tried to r**** someone! She dares to try and take MY daughter?!"


Everyone was absolutely stunned by Quan Zexi's outburst. 

For a moment there, everyone had forgotten that he was the most ideal candidate to take over Emperor Yin's reign. 

Just then, the door swung open and Qiao Qing walked out with her hands in her pockets. 



Everyone glanced her way with worry.

Mu Jinghang asked, "Qingqing, did you read today's news?"

Qiao Qing lightly nodded, "I did."


So why was she so calm?

Jun Yexuan and his friends were used to this. Quan Zexi, however, pursed his lips. 

For her to remain so calm in the face of such a violent wave meant she had gone through even worse storms.