Uncle, you sure are an Important Figure here!

Then, towards Quan Zexi, she said almost jokingly, "Dad, are you sure you want to go with me? Once you come with me, you will lose your image of being this country's most eligible bachelor."

Jun Yexuan, Qi Yusen, and the others were all shocked to hear Qiao Qing make such a sarcasm comment.

It seemed like Qiao Qing's personality had changed after she met Quan Zexi.

She…seemed more and more like a person now.

Ah! No, she was more personable now.

Quan Zexi gently coughed and got up, "What use is being an eligible bachelor? It's an honor for me to have such a great daughter. How can I not go!?"

Jun Yexuan, Qi Yusen, Qi Chengyu, and Mu Jinghang all stood up as well, "There's no need to talk too much. We are for sure going."

He Wanqing was about to get up when Qiao Qing stopped her, "Mom, you stay here at grandpa's."