Are you Aware of what this Woman did?

Jun Yexuan laughed out loud, "Who are you looking down at?! Sneaking into your home and killing your father is something I can do easily. I also have a motive. Why aren't you accusing me instead?"

"What era are we living in now? You are making an accusation without any evidence and the fact that you don't think anyone else is capable?"

"There are many people in this world who can kill your father. Also, how can you make the statement that Qiao Qing is your only enemy?"

"Your father was a highly ranked Duke and you are a family built on the weapon industry. Both politically and economically, I am certain that you have nemeses. Who's going to believe that Qiao Qing is the only enemy you have?"

Xia Houshang was speechless while others silently nodded.

"I thought the news didn't report the evidence because that would be too much to write. But even now, she can't provide evidence that Qiao Qing is the murderer?"