Her Existence is a Miracle!

Seeing that her people refused to move, Xia Houshang's heart dropped. She turned to look at Yin Lei, "Emperor Yin, hurry! Ask your people to kill Qiao Qing and these traitors!"

"You want me to design guns for you, right? Then do this for me. This will be my last request. I promise to stay loyal and aid the royal family afterward!"

"Not everyone's found out about this! Hurry and kill everyone who's here at the scene! The guards outside the gates will still listen to my orders. With me around, the Xia family can still protect the country for you!"

"You should be smart enough to know the pros and cons here. Everyone here combined is less valuable than what I can provide you! It's time to make a decision! Don't lose sight of the greater good!"

The guards inside the home were fully disappointed.

Before they could retreat, Yin Lei had sent his orders, "Kill them!"

At once, Yin Lei's people grabbed their guns.