How do I respect you when you are like this

"Shut up!" The veins in Quan Zexi's foreheads popped, "What kind of mother tries to marry her daughter off so fast?! Stop trying to tell me what we did back then! I don't remember any of it! All I know is that this bastard is trying to sleep with my daughter, and I am not going to let that happen!"

Jun Yexuan, "..."

The atmosphere started to get tense, so Quan Yeqing smiled and tried to ease the mood, "It's pretty normal now for couples to co-habitat. It's better to get to know each other's lifestyle before marriage anyway. What if Yexuan isn't good in that area? It'd be best to find out earlier. If she only finds that out after marriage, then it'd be too late."

Mu Jinghang collapsed onto the couch from laughing too hard. 

Jun Yexuan didn't know how he should react to this. 

"Also," Quan Yeqing wasn't done, "The earlier these two get to live together, the earlier I get to meet my great-grandson, right?"