Having a Drink

He Wanqing took her hand away from his, "You should get out. I'm tired and I want to sleep."

Quan Zexi, "..."

Helpless, Quan Zexi looked over to Qiao Qing. 

Qiao Qing shoved her hands into her pockets and shrugged. She too, was helpless about this. 

Then, she yawned and dragged Jun Yexuan with her, "I'm tired too. Let's all go to bed."

Quan Zexi, "..."

After all the young people left, Quan Zexi remained behind and paced around. 

He Wanqing glanced at him, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Quan Zexi, "... Wife…"

He Wanqing brushed the goosebumps off her arms, "Get out."

Quan Zexi, "..."