What Sins have I Committed?!

Qiao Qing, "What once in a lifetime opportunity?"

Jun Yexuan approached her and put his arms around her waist. While pulling her in, he whispered in her ear, "Do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? Hmm?"

His seductive voice made Qiao Qing's ears itch. Her body went limp. 

She did her best to calm herself down, "Aren't you afraid of my dad finding out and getting angry with you?"

Jun Yexuan pressed his forehead against hers, "Then, let's make sure they don't find out."

Qiao Qing's grip around his collar tightened. Her heart was beating out of control, "I… I…"

Just as she was about to make up her mind to agree, a loud noise came from the other room. 

Qiao Qing's eyelid hopped, "It's from my brother's room."

Jun Yexuan frowned, "Ignore him."

He then picked up Qiao Qing and headed to bed.