Nobody could take her Away from him, not even his Father-in-Law!

Before, when Quan Zexi was giving Jun Yexuan a hard time, he must've forgotten that he too, was someone's son-in-law. 

Just as Jun Yexuan immensely enjoyed himself, Quan Zexi noticed him and glared. That glare seemed to threaten, "We'll talk about this later."

Jun Yexuan no longer dared to laugh.

Qi Shengkuan said, "We flew here in a helicopter and landed directly at your home. Where would you have gone to pick us up? The sky?"

Quan Zexi, "..."

It was over. Quan Zexi thought. This father-in-law of his wasn't easy to deal with and has set the tone in their power dynamic straight away. 

Beside Qi Shengkuan, Wen Yuzhen was confused about how her husband was acting. She pulled on his sleeve and whispered, "Why are you acting like this?"

Her husband was normally very non-serious. Why was he behaving like this now?