When do I get to Marry Qingqing?

Qiao Qing, "The most we do is live with my parents or my grandparents. We'll follow the traditions otherwise."

"I'll register into his family and our kids will have Jun as their last name. If my family tries to give him a hard time, I'll refuse to live with them."

"No matter what, I won't let his manhood be threatened."

As she spoke, Jun Yexuan's lips curled higher. 

By the end, Jun Yexuan's smile was dazzling and the light that came out of his eyes was impossible to hide. 

Mu Jinghang coughed and silently turned away.

Just how bored was he to come over here and get PDA shoved into his face?

He hasn't even found his wife or kid yet, so why did he decide to come over here and start caring about this other man? He must've been bored.

This man here has a wife who cares about him. Why did he worry at all?

After Mu Jinghang left, Jun Yexuan and Qiao Qing snuggled and were about to kiss when someone coughed behind them.