A Beating

He turned towards the stupid-looking tiger and called out, "Qingqing."

Qingqing the tiger heard someone calling for her. Though the voice was unfamiliar, that guy was with her master, so she dashed over while swagging her tail. She then sat right in front of Qi Yusen and tilted her head, as if she asked, "What can I do for you?"

Jun Yexuan felt a storm brewing and thought it was over for him. 

He looked over to Qiao Qing for help. Qiao Qing, however, acted like she didn't see any of this and looked away. 

 Jun Yexuan's heart started to get cold. Before he could do anything, Qi Yusen's deathly stare reached him. 

"You named a tiger Qingqing?"

Jun Yexuan silently cursed Jun Xiaoqi and wanted very much to chop this tiger into pieces. 

He gulped and answered the question, "Brother, 'Qing' as in 'green'."

Qi Yusen snorted.