Honeymoon 5

Jun Yexuan followed. He found Qiao Qing on the soft living room rug with the lace piece in her hand. She was both admiring it and figuring out how to put it on. 

Jun Yexuan was infatuated with the blank look on her face. He was about to help her up when the voice of his father-in-law stopped him, "Where's Qingqing? How come she didn't pick up?"

Jun Yexuan of course lied, "Dad, Qingqing is taking a shower."

There was no way he was going to tell his father-in-law that he got his daughter drunk. His father-in-law would think he has bad intentions - even though he truly did have bad intentions. 

After he spoke, Qiao Qing turned his head and stared at him in confusion. 

Before she could speak, Jun Yexuan held his hand over the speaker and retreated to the bedroom. 

As expected, the next second, Qiao Qing asked, "Shower?"

Luckily, Jun Yexuan was quick to retreat. The other side of the line only heard some muffled noise.