Honeymoon 7

"Just how did you manage to let her escape your sight after getting her drunk? Have you thought of the consequences?!"

"You're lucky you met me today. What if she ran into a bad guy? What if she took the elevator with someone while being barely conscious? As her husband, what have you done to take care of her?!"

Jun Yexuan choked. This was the first time he got lectured by a love rival. The key thing was, this love rival was right. 

"I don't deny that I am at fault." Jun Yexuan's tone softened but his expression remained terrifying. 

"But you think you're a good guy?! Though I didn't hear what she said exactly, I know you had no good intentions. If you did, she wouldn't have yelled!"

Gong Yi was a little guilty now, "I didn't do anything to her. I took care of her while you were absent."

Jun Yexuan snickered, "What if I didn't come out then? Also, why are you here?!"