Gong Yi (1)

After Gong Yi was driven out of the hotel, he still decided to try his luck and asked Wu Yuan to try and find another place.

Without exception, everyone rejected him. 

This result didn't surprise Gong Yi. With a cigarette in his mouth, he inhaled a bit and squinted at the hotel sign. 

"That person has a heart smaller than a bean. Go get a helicopter. Let's go home."

Wu Yuan was about to agree when he remembered something, "Young master, there are no available routes to get back to Country Z at night."

Gong Yi, "..."

The face that never took anything seriously finally dropped. 

If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have gotten lazy by riding in a helicopter. He should've taken a plane big enough to sleep in. 

Wu Yuan saw Gong Yi's unhappy face and asked weakly, "Young master, can we get a room with my ID? Let's just get through the night."