I'm Never Going to Make you go Through this again

The chief eyed his watch and said in surprise, "Ms. Qiao gave birth so fast! From getting here to now, it only took her two hours!"

Mu Jinghang was ecstatic, "My sis-in-law is great! She must have known what my third brother was doing and didn't want him in pain anymore!"

Jun Yexuan had ripped the electrical pads off his body and ran out. 

However, because of the physical trauma he just experienced, he didn't make it three steps before he collapsed onto the ground.

"Third brother!"

"Third young master!"


The three people shouted. Jun Yexuan picked himself off the ground before anyone could help him, "I'm fine."

He then continued to try and run. Suddenly, he remembered something and wiped the blood off his lips. 

Since he wore a black shirt, the blood stain couldn't be seen.

After that, he walked on. 

Mu Jinghang and the others followed.