pei qiqi's past (5)

Tang Yan was stunned for a moment before realizing that she was afraid of injections.

dean he was still holding the syringe in his hand. at this moment, he felt like he was a butcher, and that unbelievably beautiful young lady was a kind little rabbit.

he didn't know what to do, so he could only hold it in his hand awkwardly.

tang yu felt helpless. he hugged pei qiqi and coaxed her in a low voice, " you'll feel better after an injection. "

"i don't want an injection." she mumbled, her little head burrowing into his arms again, her long hair making him itchy.

tang yu really didn't know that pei qiqi was so afraid of pain. he patted her back and his voice became gentler, " be good. it won't hurt. "

i didn't see her like this the last time, yingluo.

perhaps it was because sick people were more fragile.

she didn't say anything else. he reached out to brush her messy hair aside and watched her close her eyes as if she was in great pain.