she's mine (5)

"you're pei qiqi, right?" tang zhiyuan spoke lightly.

pei qiqi raised her eyes and saw tang zhiyuan and zhao ke by the door.

her face suddenly turned pale. in tang zhiyuan's eyes, he thought that this girl was just feeling guilty. he didn't know that it was because of zhao ke.

Just like that, PEI Qiqi subconsciously stared at Zhao Ke. Zhao Ke was a little angry and her face was cold.

After a long time, Tang Zhiyuan coughed lightly. you're with Tang Yu, right? "

the moment she asked, everyone in the design department looked over. although this was an open secret in sheng yuan, no one had ever said it because pei qiqi kept a low profile and never put on airs as tang yu's woman.

she didn't look like a mistress. after all, which woman would come to be an intern?

on the other hand, no one in sheng yuan liked zhao ke. she was just a mistress, yet she was acting all high and mighty here. did she have any shame?