PEI Qiqi, I want a hundred million (3)

PEI Qiqi was wearing white silk pajamas. The style was conservative, which was what he liked.

Feeling uneasy, she carefully climbed onto his shoulder and pressed her face against his neck. It was right where his pulse was, and she could feel it beating strongly.

"Do you want to hug me now?" Her voice was light and shallow, but it was very clear in the quiet night.

Naturally, it was also extremely moving ...

He placed his large palm on her back and did not go any further. He just held her closer.

Her face and body were buried in his arms. At this moment, it was extremely heart-wrenching.

At least, this was the first time she felt that he cherished her so much ... That feeling made her mistakenly think that it was an illusion.

Qiqi, " Tang Yu said slowly, " this isn't your fault.

She had always been very careful with him ... It was his duty to protect a woman he had bought.