I didn't touch her (part two)

He looked at her silently for a while, then walked over, picked her up, and placed her in the middle of the bed.

pei qiqi woke up in shock. she didn't sleep well and even a small movement could wake her up.

she opened her eyes and looked at him in the dark. she could smell the alcohol and perfume on him.

Her eyes were wide open as she stared at him, not knowing how to react.

tang yu knew she was awake so he turned on the bedside lamp.

she was not used to the lights, so she closed her eyes subconsciously.

Tang Yu put her down and said in a hoarse voice, " "i'm going to take a shower."

"Did you drink?" She sat up and looked at the time. It was already one o 'clock.

Tang Yu took out a bathrobe and casually responded. Before he entered the bathroom, he added, " "In the afternoon, Chen Xinjie, please send your books and your teaching materials to my office. They're on the table outside."

he walked into the bathroom.