mr. tang's confession (1)

she used to try so hard to get that person's attention, but he still didn't want her even without yingluo having sex with her and even getting her pregnant twice.

that person was just like tang yu. he had no heart. but now, tang yu liked pei qiqi.

Zhao Ke was a woman, a woman who had dated many men. She knew how a man would look when he liked a woman.

PEI Qiqi returned to the top floor and didn't say anything else. Tang Yu was on the phone. As he spoke, he glanced at her.

There was a faint smile on his face. It was very light, and it softened his usual cold lines.

Holding the phone, his snow-white cufflinks with a pair of Black Diamond cufflinks glistened. Coupled with his calm demeanor, he looked very pleasing to the eye.

pei qiqi stood there and looked at him for about five seconds before sitting down. when she picked up her book again, she was so upset that she couldn't focus on it. she didn't know if it was because of zhao ke or tang yu.