Mr. Tang's confession (3)

he was actually in the mood to chat with her. he asked casually, " "do you like tang xin?"

pei qiqi unnaturally sat up straight. tang yu was very casual at this moment, but it made her even more guarded.

this wasn't the tang yu at work, but the tang yu in his daily life. it seemed like he didn't mind exposing some of his habits to her, like smoking while driving.

PEI Qiqi thought of Tang Xin and her expression became gentler and more natural, " "I do. She's quite cute."

Tang mo held the steering wheel, a cigarette in one hand and occasionally took a puff.

he wasn't a regular smoker, but the way he smoked was very pleasing to the eye. when he heard her words, he smiled."did i?"

He paused for a moment, then turned to look at her and smiled. you're quite cute too. I like you too.

PEI Qiqi paused for a moment. She didn't expect him to say that.