a vicious slap (3)

If she had cared more about him, this would not have happened!

PEI Qiqi's fingers gently reached out and touched PEI Minghe's face.

dad, Huahua. her voice trembled. She was afraid, afraid that she would never be able to call him again.

She didn't dare to close her eyes and just stared at his light breathing.

for the entire day and night, pei qiqi didn't drink a single sip of water or eat a single grain of rice.

tang yu went to the office in the afternoon. when he came back, it was already late at night.

The long corridor in the hospital was quiet and deserted.

his steps shattered the silence. far away, tang yu saw lin jinrong leaning against the wall.

He looked into the ward through the glass.

Tang Yu's steps stopped but he still walked over.

lin jinrong's gaze slowly shifted to him. the expression on his face was a little subtle. they had not spoken a word since early morning.