chen xinjie, green tea (1)

she also knew that he almost doted on her, but hanhan didn't take it to heart.

She had always liked jinrong. From the moment they met at the hospital, he understood.

Tang mo laughed at himself for being silly.

he turned around, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and quietly lit it.

These two days, he had smoked a lot, but no matter how much he smoked, it couldn't stop him from thinking about that night.

she was upset, and so was he.

She was in pain, and so was he.

She had not done such a thing, and he had not urged her to bite him with her small teeth.

Even though he thought this way, the bite started to hurt again, all the way to his heart.

between him and pei qiqi, he didn't even have the right to ask her for an explanation.

He was the one who bought her. He bought her body, but he did not buy her heart.

He had once asked her to be loyal, and she had done it. She and jinrong had not done anything.

however, jinrong was still in her heart.