the clingy little thing (1)

she was in a daze and tang yu was moved. he lowered his head and his voice was indescribably hoarse, " "You miss me?"

"no, i didn't!" pei qiqi was lost in thought. then, she suddenly reached out and hugged him.

it hurt when she stretched her arms like this, but she just wanted to hold him right now.

she was like a child, stubbornly holding onto him. the way she looked at him, it completely shattered tang yu's heart.

He had never seen such an awkward little girl.

tang yu lowered his head and looked at her. he didn't say anything but his heart was burning. even he himself couldn't describe the feeling.

he rarely had such strong feelings. even for his mother and tang xin, he had never been so close to hanhan.

it was as if she was born from his bones and blood.

he suddenly remembered that she had called him B and B. he couldn't help but laugh.

he kissed her forehead very gently. " that's it! "