the clingy little thing (4)

Zhao Ke was jealous of PEI Qiqi. In her entire life, no man had ever treated her like this.

That person did not even look at her!

Among her many men, PEI Minghe only saw her beauty and never had any feelings for her.

including tang zhiyuan.

She had Tang Xin and used all means to make him willing to marry her.

Everything that she had today was earned by herself. It had nothing to do with Tang Zhiyuan.

however, pei qiqi easily won tang yu's love!

He actually wanted to marry her!

how was that possible?

how could he do that!

zhao ke held her head high, tears rolling down her face.

after so many years, she had almost never cried, because crying was the most useless thing.

a man should not look at his tears, but his body.

However, at this moment, she felt that she was very pitiful.

the thing that she had been scheming for her entire life, pei qiqi got it so easily.

How ironic it was to tease PEI Qiqi that she was here to collect her debt.