i've never lost a fight (1)

PEI Qiqi swore that she would never wear that set of clothes again.

at 5 pm, pei qiqi finished accompanying pei minghe and received a call from tang yu.

he had a meeting at the last minute and couldn't leave, so he asked the driver to take her to sheng yuan. pei qiqi stood there and bit her lip, " we can just go home! "

However, she was in a good mood today. Later, she wanted to tell Tang Yu that elambro's Medicine and Rehabilitation method were really good.

she tidied up her bag. a white sports car slowly pulled up in front of her. it was the one that tang yu often drove.

PEI Qiqi was about to get in the car when the window rolled down. The person sitting inside wasn't the driver but the person she saw-

shen lian!

pei qiqi had heard of a saying before: in this world, exes are scarier than mistresses.

However, she did not particularly mind Shen Lian.

She stood up and smiled. miss Shen, what's the matter? "