the one and only love (2)

pei qiqi went to the school to apply for a leave of absence. principal wang felt it was a pity. a South Africa diamond was going to disappear from the school?

" qiqi, this degree will always be reserved for you. you can come back whenever you want, but you should come back earlier. after all, wanwan. " he said.

PEI Qiqi understood principal Wang's meaning. She pursed her lips and acknowledged him in a low voice.

When she walked out, she saw Lin jinrong standing at the end of the long kapok Avenue.

he looked at her from a distance, but he didn't approach her. he just stared at her.

PEI Qiqi also didn't take a step forward.

Too many things had happened in the past few months. When she saw him again, it felt like a lifetime had passed ...

After a long time, Lin jinrong disappeared from the other end.

PEI Qiqi looked on and her eyes started to water.

there was someone standing beside her. it was chen xinjie.