You've underestimated me (2)

Qin Anlan leaned back against the back of the leather chair and reexamined the young lady in front of him.

in her eyes, there was a rare hint of perseverance.

"It seems that you really need the money." he put out his cigarette, " why didn't you ask tang yu for it? you're actually spending tang yu's money by using this method."

PEI Qiqi lowered her eyes and her long eyelashes trembled. After a long time, she chuckled, " it's probably to put my heart at ease!

qin anlan's expression changed slightly. he stared at that small face that was enough to topple a city before he spat out a sentence word by word, " "you're in love with him, aren't you?"

pei qiqi looked up and stared at him. he thought he would see her in a sorry state or panic, but he didn't.

She just smiled. President Qin, if you sign a contract with me, I can tell you the answer.

"what if i don't really want to know?" Qin Anlan sneered and reached out to pinch her little chin.