spreading dog food (2)

Tang Yu laughed.

"congratulations!" Meng Qingcheng looked at him, " what about Shen Lian? "

"What should we do? it's been so many years, so i don't really take it to heart." tang yu smiled.

this was what meng qingcheng admired about tang yu the most. his own girl slept with his best friend and he could still remain calm and indifferent.

But now, he was seriously suspecting if Tang Yu ever liked Shen Lian. If she had liked him before, she shouldn't be like this.

If PEI Qiqi was the female lead, Qianqian would have exploded. How could she still smile and talk about the past!!!

"Qingcheng, I used to think that marriage needs to be suitable, especially the background." Tang Yu said in a low voice, " but look, I still can't really like Shen Lian.

Meng Qingcheng still felt a chill down his spine. He sighed, " "pei xiao qi gave you too much chicken soup for the soul."