you'll spoil me (1)

it wasn't until the day before tang zhiyuan's birthday, before tang yu went to bed, that tang yu told pei qiqi about this.

PEI Qiqi was drying her hair after her shower. When she heard him speak, her body froze.

she slowly turned her head, her face a little pale. " "Shall we go to your father's house?"

Tang Yu was wearing a bathrobe and leaning against the head of the bed. Between his long fingers was a cigarette. He was smoking from time to time.

he glanced at her and nodded. " yes, my father's 50th birthday. "

He still gave Tang Zhiyuan face and said the words 'my father'.

pei qiqi turned off the hairdryer and looked at him, " tang yu, can i not go? "

he stubbed out the cigarette and patted the spot beside him, signaling for her to go over.

pei qiqi's hair was about 70 - 80% dry. she covered her collar and carefully walked over.