I'm sorry to disappoint you (2)

shen lian smiled faintly and spoke to tang zhiyuan and zhao ke in a proper manner. then, she walked in front of tang yu and raised her head. her voice was a little hoarse, " tang yu! "

he just nodded indifferently and didn't say anything. he didn't want to provide anything to talk about.

Zhao Ke walked over and held Shen Lian's arm affectionately. She looked at Tang Yu, " Tang Yu, take good care of Shen Lian.

This was clearly denying PEI Qiqi's identity.

tang yu smiled faintly. he looked around and then looked at zhao ke, " this doesn't seem to be my home. mrs. tang should be the one receiving the guests. "

He paused for a moment and sneered, " also, just be a good Mrs. Tang. Don't even think about being my mother. My mother's surname is Lin.

zhao ke was embarrassed. she didn't think tang yu wouldn't give her any face in this kind of situation.