currying favor (1)

Tang Yu bought a bouquet of white roses from a flower shop and placed it on the front passenger seat.

he didn't knock on the door when he returned to xia city. instead, he opened the door himself.

the moment she opened it, she was hugged by a pair of small hands and pei qiqi's body pressed against her.

he held the flowers in one hand and held her waist with the other. his voice was a little hoarse. "look at what you've prepared for me."

He took a look and saw that there was exquisite food on the table, which was more sumptuous than usual.

xiaoxiao took off her shoes and walked in with her in his arms. " you seem to be trying to please me today? "

Then, he looked at her again. She was wearing a very ordinary set of home clothes.

"well, i hope you like it." She took him to the dining table, took off his coat, and put it on the sofa.