tang yu, i'm sorry (2)

when tang yu walked into the resting room, his body stiffened and his eyes turned cold.

he was followed by tang xin.

Tang Xin's mouth was also wide open as she looked at the dress on the sofa and the jewelry on the dressing table.

Those were the Pixiu that Qiqi was wearing today.

did qiqi run away from the wedding?

Tang Xin didn't dare to look at her brother's face. It must be black!

Tang Yu walked in slowly and his voice was cold, " Tang Xin, close the door. Don't let anyone in.

tang xin nodded and then looked up at her brother.

Tang Yu walked straight to the bathroom and then to the bedroom. How he wished PEI Qiqi was just joking with him. She would be hiding somewhere in her bathrobe and when she found him, she would smile softly and look at how anxious he was.

however, she was not there. she was not there even after he had searched the entire suite.

he took out his phone and dialed her number-

his cell phone was turned off!

Very good!