Chapter 289-will you feel pain too?

After PEI Qiqi finished speaking, she felt as if her throat was blocked. She felt extremely uncomfortable.

What she owed PEI Minghe, jinrong, and Tang Yu, she would never be able to pay them back in this lifetime.

however, she would work hard to return as much as she could!

She retreated and gently closed the door. However, as she turned around, she saw ...

tang yu!

he stood there straight and looked at her with a cold gaze.

PEI Qiqi noticed that he was still wearing the same suit from the other day. He didn't shave and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked completely different from his usual noble appearance.

at that moment, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

this was tang yu, such a distinguished tang yu. even after a meeting that lasted for more than 10 hours, he still looked so noble.

she looked at him, only one step away from him, but it seemed like they were separated by thousands of mountains.

Their gazes lingered for a long time.