Beg me (3)

PEI Qiqi looked at him, her eyes welling up.

"do you want to cry?" He moved closer to her, so close that he could see himself in her eyes. I thought that your tears had dried up in jinrong's ward!

she closed her eyes. " can you not mention him? "

"feeling uncomfortable?" tang mo sneered, leaned back, and put out the cigarette in his hand.

PEI Qiqi lowered her head and said softly, " tang yu, can you let me go? "

He was about to put on his clothes and leave, but then he stopped.

She slowed down and went back to her original position. She was still leaning on the wall, and her eyes were fixed on the opposite wall.

after a long time, he chuckled. " let you go? pei qiqi, have you forgotten that i paid three hundred million for you?"

Of course she knew!

but she couldn't get along with him like this anymore. she would go crazy, yingluo.

She longed for him, crazily long ...

however, she wanted him to hate her ...

She would go crazy!