We're together again (1)

tang zhiyuan narrowed his eyes. he could almost burn two holes in zhao yi's hand.

His jealousy naturally could not escape Zhao Ke's eyes. She sneered, " "what's wrong? are you uncomfortable seeing your yunyun in someone else's arms?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" tang zhiyuan tidied up his clothes and shifted his gaze to tang yu and the person called sun feifei.

in the past, he didn't really like pei qiqi. but in comparison, he seemed to dislike sun feifei even more.

She was like a wooden beauty?

was tang yu sure he wanted to marry her and sleep with a piece of wood every night?

Zhao Ke followed his gaze, and her gaze became a little deep.

she knew that pei qiqi and tang yu were done for. tang yu's action was equivalent to directly announcing his future boyfriend. sun feifei's fate is so good-zhao ke thought unhappily.

however, she would rather be sun feifei or any other woman than pei qiqi.