You want me to kiss you?(3)

the night was very cold, but his lips were very, very hot, as if he was going to burn her.

PEI Qiqi instinctively tried to push him away, but how could she move him with her weak strength?

Originally, he was holding her down with one hand, but now he was holding her face with two hands.

He kissed her deeply. He kissed her so deeply that PEI Qiqi felt a little uncomfortable. She clenched her fists and punched him, but she couldn't stop Qianqian.

He quickly caught her naughty hand, folded it behind his back, and held it in reverse. This way, she put on an embarrassing posture in front of him.

tang mo panted and released her small mouth. he raised his handsome face slightly and looked at her panting.

"Why did you cry?" he asked again.

pei qiqi raised her head and didn't say anything.

"You want me to kiss you again?" His tone was somewhat mocking.

"i'm not crying!" she finally said. Even if she does cry, it has nothing to do with Mr. Tang."