you're the only one i like, gao tian (2)

tang mo turned his head, freed up a hand, pulled her small head over and kissed her fiercely.

She struggled behind him but couldn't break free. Her neck was hurting from the twist.

Tang Yu, let go of me. My neck hurts. She grumbled softly and bit her lip, looking very pitiful.

he also knew that he was meng yilang. there were many people on the road who were looking at them in a daze.

He was finally done kissing her. He patted her fluffy little head to express his praise, no different from how he treated a little pet.

the snow was getting heavier. tang yu put her down, took off his coat and wrapped it around her. then, he carried her on his back again. it wasn't that he couldn't get into a car, but he wanted to carry her and walk all the way.

pei qiqi laid on his back. she was a little sleepy but she couldn't bear to sleep, so she sang on his back ...

every single one of them sounded terrible, but tang yu loved them.