refined scum (2)

"You don't mind if I join you?" He said very indifferently, without any emotion.

but when he looked at tang xin, his eyes were warm.

pei qiqi felt a wave of weakness and mumbled that he wanted to eat with them?

Today was the new year!

was he sure he wasn't going to accompany his mother or sun feifei?

she didn't move. tang zheng frowned. " miss pei? "

these three words pulled the distance between them apart.

PEI Qiqi walked over, " I'll help you get the food.

tang xin cried out, " i want to drink. "

as soon as she finished speaking, tang yu glared at her. tang xin didn't dare to say another word and just curled up like a pitiful little girl.

PEI Qiqi didn't know why, but she felt like a hen protecting her chick. She looked at Tang Yu, " you don't have to be so fierce to her.

"what does it have to do with miss pei that i'm disciplining my sister?" He looked at her with a cold gaze.