Valentine's Day (shedding tears of affection)

Tang Yu grabbed PEI Qiqi and walked into the elevator. Her wrist was hurting from his grip.

when there was no one around, she flung his hand away, " tang yu, what do you want? "

he leaned against the wall of the elevator and looked at her coldly. " i want that land and your body. "

He said it straightforwardly and bluntly. Then he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lowered his head, lit it, and took a long drag.

He needed to calm down so that he would not strangle her to death.

He knew that she was auctioning off the company's real estate and that she wanted to move. He could understand.

without his protection, she would not be able to last long in the pei family with her little ability.

she could only kill the chicken to get the eggs. actually, he was surprised that she would do such a thing.

he also agreed! This was a good idea!