Testing her DNA (part four)

Tang Yu got out of the car and closed the door. He saw Tang Xin and PEI Qiqi sitting on the sofa and seemed to be reading a magazine.

their faces were so close to each other that he could easily compare their looks.

in the past, how could he not notice that tang xin and pei qiqi's faces were similar to a certain extent?

However, even now, he still didn't think PEI Qiqi and Zhao Ke looked alike.

The face came from the heart, and Zhao Ke's face had long been desired.| how could the beauty of wang, qiqi, and tang xin be the same?

as for tang xin, even if she had a mother like zhao ke, she had been sick since she was young and she was his biological sister, so tang yu never had any other thoughts about her.

of course, he did love her, but he also kept some of his feelings.

pei qiqi wanted to say if she was zhao ke's daughter!

Tang Yu let out a long breath. He still hadn't thought about Yingluo.