you feed me (4)

he paused for a moment before continuing. " she knows about our relationship. she doesn't mind if i have anything before we get married. it's fine as long as we don't have anything to do with each other after we get married. "

he said it so calmly and cruelly. pei qiqi was angry. she glared at him, " tang yu, you bastard! "

they were so close that she couldn't help but want to beat him up with her little hand!

Tang Yu reached out and caught her little fist. He pulled her into his arms.

She was hugged by him. Other than the warmth, she could also see his burning eyes.

"pei qiqi, you seem to be angry! are you angry at me or feifei?" he said in an extremely detestable manner.

She turned her face away in embarrassment. I didn't!

"you're not angry?" He pinched her little chin with one hand and forced her to look at him.

Even though he was sick, he was still so handsome that she couldn't take her eyes off him.