The truth is not far away (6)

zhao ke took out the phone from rong lei's pocket and put it in her bag.

then, she used a towel to wipe off the fingerprints on the knife and the traces she had left in the room.

she took his cash and rummaged around the house, making it look like a robbery.

After doing all this, she looked at Rong Lei lying there and smiled coldly.

this was the consequence of defiling her!

she calmly picked up her phone and dialed tang zhiyuan's number. " zhiyuan, my sisters asked me to go to macau to play a few rounds. i won't be coming back for a few days. "

on the other side, tang zhiyuan didn't care. when he saw zhao ke, he also felt annoyed.

after hanging up the phone, zhao ke put on her sunglasses and used a silk scarf to cover her face.

However, when she opened the door, she was stunned to see a few men in uniform standing outside. The badges on their bodies made her see stars.